MetaParty - UMSA | United Metaverse Services Association
UMSA is a Unique Sector Development Institution which brings together and unites metaverse projects in order to provide their tools and services to pioneering companies and brands from numerous sectors.
UMSA, United Metaverse, Metaverse
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MetaParty | Creating an Immersive Experience

MetaParty was founded in June of 2021, our aim is to deliver exceptional experiences and events for the Decentraland community.

As of date we have hosted over two hundred and fifty events to include: Metaverse Fashion Week 22, Parkour to Earn challenges, unique mini game experiences, live stream content and collaborated with DJ artists.


MetaParty Decentraland DAO

In the month of January, the MetaParty team has accomplished a multitude of impressive feats. We have successfully integrated the save game feature. The team is now pivoting with MetaZone to prioritize security measures to prevent unauthorized manipulation of tokens. A back-end API will be leveraged to maintain the integrity of data created by players such as coins, weapons and other inventory items. In addition, we have hosted 14 events this month and rewarded players with over 700 wearables.

MetaParty | Creating an Immersive Experience

MetaParty was founded in June of 2021, our aim is to deliver exceptional experiences and events for the Decentraland community.

As of date we have hosted over two hundred and fifty events to include: Metaverse Fashion Week 22, Parkour to Earn challenges, unique mini game experiences, live stream content and collaborated with DJ artists.




Join us on Telegram and ask anything to our BD team.